Revel in a Creole Christmas with Reveillon: By Lindsay Mott

The spirit of New Orleans is about the party. Good food, good drink, lots of people and just outright revelry. The holidays are no different and give even more occasion to take something and blow it out of the water. Take a peak into how those with New Orleans and Creole roots celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.

    In recent years, New Orleans establishments have taken a twice-a-year tradition of an elaborate feast in the home and made in an every night celebration throughout the holidays and across a number of venues. In true New Orleans fashion, though, they don’t call this tradition a holiday feast but prefer to use the French word Reveillon for these dinners, which means awakening.
    According to many sources, New Orleans Creole families in the mid-1800s celebrated the “Reveillon” on Christmas Eve after midnight mass. These meals often consisted of egg dishes, sweetbreads, and such Creole specialties as daube glace, according to Charles Lebeuf, director of sales at Crescent City Brewhouse in the French Quarter. There was often a fruit-filled cake desert with wine or rum and whipped cream.
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